Cumberland School of Law's Student Bar Association (SBA) works as the umbrella organization for the various student organizations active on campus, providing a form of government for the supervision of student activities and concerns. It also provides a forum for the expression of student views and interests, as well as encouraging broad participation. It creates, promotes and preserves student honor, academic responsibility and student rights; improves and promotes the students’ social and physical welfare and intellectual development; and fosters the recognition of the ethical principles and responsibilities of students to their profession, community, nation and humanity.

The SBA is made up of:

  • Six elected officers (president, vice president, secretary, treasurer, ABA chair and ABA vice chair)
  • Four elected senior class officers (president, vice president, secretary and treasurer)
  • Four elected second-year representatives
  • Four elected first-year representatives

Elections for the first-year positions are held shortly after the start of the fall semester.

The SBA primarily functions as the liaison between students, faculty and administration on matters pertaining to the student experience. Elected representatives also coordinate school-wide social functions and partner with other organizations to sponsor community service activities such as:

SBA Constitution SBA Election Code Email the SBA