Marketing and Communication’s Broadcast Services team is available to produce promotional videos that promote the university and align Samford’s branding objectives. In order for a video to be produced, it should meet at least one of the criteria below.

  • Have high potential viewership based on the nature of the event
  • Support recruitment for undergraduate or graduate programs
  • Support fundraising or alumni engagement
  • Enhance the reputation and/or awareness of Samford

For all video projects, we consider the potential viewership, cost and time of any given project. While we make an effort to accommodate as many requests as possible, projects are scheduled on a first-come, first-served basis.  Please use the video request form to submit your video request to Brad Radice at Once we receive your completed form, we will communicate within 72 hours to let you know if your project has been accepted.

Marketing and Communication does not provide equipment for showing productions. Equipment requests should be made to the Technology in Learning Center.