ࡱ> :<9_ bjbj 45\5\ , Nf$j!R :,%Zv  0NR!!%!%N!> V: ϳԹ Job Description (All sections of the following template should be completed and not altered so that all ϳԹjob descriptions have a similar format. A bullet point format rather than paragraph format is suggested for longer sections. Please delete this message and all parenthetical messages below as you complete the job description.) Job Title: Department: What is the FLSA status of this job? (Exempt or Non-exempt) This position is supervised by: (List title of supervisor.) What positions does this position supervise if any? Give a 1-2 sentence general summary of this job: What are the duties, responsibilities and expectations of this position? (List in order of importance and explain the major duties and responsibilities of the position. Indicate whether each duty or responsibility is essential or marginal. Essential functions are job tasks that are fundamental to accomplishing the work. Marginal functions are those tasks that are performed either very infrequently; that are non-essential; and could be performed by others without altering the underlying reasons the position exists. Be certain to also address decision making, interfacing with others and this positions potential impact on the university.) Describe the minimum education and experience required: (List education, experience and specific knowledge, skills and abilities including supervisory experience. Also list licenses or certifications, if any, that are required to qualify for the position. ) Additional attributes that will be used in screening applicants: (List specific, job related attributes that may be considered during the interview process, i.e., leadership, initiative, computer literacy, knowledge of the culture and organization of an academic institution, or the level of communication and interpersonal skills desired.) Describe the physical requirements of the job: (List physical requirements such as sitting, standing, walking, lifting, etc., and how much, and how long. For example: The requirement for this job may include the ability to report to work daily, five days per week, the ability to remain in a sitting position for extended periods of time, the ability to report to work daily no later than 8:00 a.m. and the ability to work continuously throughout the day. Obviously this would be tailored for the specific job.) Date completed: Job Description Disclaimer: The above statements describe the general nature of the job and are not an exhaustive list of all responsibilities, skills and duties. 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