Basic Program

The AFROTC program is divided into two phases—the General Military Course (GMC) & the Professional Officer's Course (POC).

The GMC portion of the program typically consists of first and second-year college or law students, enabling them to try out AFROTC without any commitment. This phase includes a one-credit hour class and—if you are pursuing a commission—weekly leadership labs (LLABs) and physical training (PT). Most practical military training (class, LLAB, PT) is held at ºÚÁϳԹÏÍø. Once registered for class, you will receive a welcome letter and orientation information.

During the GMC period, cadets will be exposed to the basic organizational concepts of the Air and Space Forces and their history. During the sophomore year, if cadets meet all requirements, they will have the opportunity to compete for an enrollment allocation (EA). This EA allows cadets to attend Field Training the summer following their sophomore year. Completion of field training is necessary for entrance into the POC.

The POC portion of the program typically consists of third and fourth-year college or law students. As a POC cadet, you will receive instruction in Leadership/Management and National Security Policy. This phase includes a three-credit hour class, weekly leadership labs (LLABs), and physical training (PT).

It is possible to join AFROTC anytime during your freshman year and at the beginning of your sophomore year in college. If you are trying to join as a law student or after your sophomore year in college, you have a few options and will need to talk to a cadre member to discuss those options. Please contact us for more information.

Leadership Laboratory (LLAB)

Leadership Laboratory (LLAB) is integral to the Air Force ROTC program. It provides an opportunity for students to apply classroom teachings to actual environments. Each course has an associated leadership laboratory.

LLAB meets for two hours each week during the term. Instruction is conducted within the framework of an organized cadet corps with a progression of experiences designed to develop leadership potential. Leadership Laboratory involves a study of the life and work of Air and Space Force junior officers. Students develop their leadership potential in a practical, supervised laboratory, which typically includes field trips to Air or Space Force installations throughout the United States.

The first two years of LLAB involve activities classified as initial leadership experiences in the General Military Course. This includes studying Air and Space Force customs and courtesies, drill and ceremonies, and learning about career opportunities available to commissioned officers.

The last two years of LLAB consist of activities classified as advanced leadership experiences in the Professional Officer’s Course. They involve the planning, organizing, coordinating, directing, and controlling the military activities of the cadet corps; the preparation and presentation of briefings and other oral and written communications; and the providing of interviews, guidance, and information that will increase the understanding, motivation, and performance of other cadets.

Physical Training (PT)

Physical training (PT) typically involves one hour of training twice a week, focusing on preparing cadets to take the Air Force Physical Fitness Assessment (PFA) at the end of the semester, which includes 1 minute of push-ups, 1 minute of sit-ups, and a 1.5-mile run.

PT is diverse in nature. Cadets are exposed to various kinds of exercise, including swimming, weightlifting, running, and calisthenics. Previous experience in these areas is not required, and cadets with no exercise background will be given the tools they need to obtain a qualifying PFA score.

Field Training

Field Training is a rigorous and challenging program designed to evaluate your officer potential. Field Training occurs at Maxwell Air Force Base, AL, usually prior to entering your junior year in college, and must be accomplished before you enter the POC. At Field Training, you will receive career orientation, officer development training, aircraft orientation, survival training, weapons indoctrination, and physical fitness training. Your leadership ability will be tested and evaluated in various scenarios. The Air Force will cover all travel expenses related to Field Training.