Rony Kozman is a specialist in New Testament and early Judaism. His research focuses on how the New Testament and Jewish literature of the Second Temple period interpret the Hebrew Bible/Old Testament. Kozman’s publications have appeared in the biblical studies journals, Zeitschrift für die alttestamentliche Wissenschaft and Dead Sea Discoveries. His current research project shows how ancient Jewish approaches to natural law illuminate the book of Romans.
In addition to his scholarship, Kozman was very active in the religious life of Toronto. He was a member of West Toronto Baptist Church, and he served in both ethnic (Egyptian) and multi-ethnic churches, as well as both rural and urban congregations. While working on his PhD he co-founded the Network of Christian Scholars Toronto, an interdisciplinary and multi-denominational network that connected Christian scholars with the church.
Kozman is the co-host, along with Will Kynes, of podcast.
PhD, Religion, University of Toronto
MA, Religious Studies, McMaster University
MDiv, Southern Baptist Theological Seminary
BS, Biochemistry, McMaster University